i can't really explain how or when my love for ghosties came about. to be clear i don't particularly believe in the existence of ghosts irl. generally speaking i just think they're neat.
obviously as a pokemon player, i am also a ghost pokemon enjoyer. gengar wasn't even always my pokesona. it used to be a duskull with the word "THEY" on its forehead. like the cover of tmbg's back to skull.

honestly if i had to pick a little ghost pokemon companion to follow me around like i'm a video game character it'd probably be pumpkaboo. i don't even like pumpkin as a food but i enjoy the Aesthetic of pumpkin and pumpkaboo is just such a cute little guy. it might be the first pokemon i ever successfully shiny hunted? don't quote me on that. anyway they're great and i even have one of the pokemon centre exclusive halloween plushes with the lil bowties.